// JavaScript Document var G_ = []; var wsf = {}; wsf.f = { alertWindow: function (text, icon, times) { var icons = ['warn', 'error', 'right', 'load']; icons = isNaN(parseInt(icon)) ? icon : icons[icon]; return window.$.popup({ // addTarget: parWin.Ev.pubVar.winDocum.find("body"), type: 1, animate: { type: 1, target: 1 }, head: { yes: 0 }, opBut: { yes: 0 }, autoClose: { yes: times === 'infinite' ? 0 : 1, time: times ? times : 1.5 }, but: { yes: 0 }, con: { text: [1, text], img: [1, icons] } }); } }; /** ** 用来得到精确的加、减、乘、除结果 ** 说明:javascript的四则运算结果会有误差,这个函数返回较为精确的加法结果。 ** 调用:加:nCount.add(arg1,arg2), * 减:nCount.sub(arg1,arg2), * 乘:nCount.mul(arg1,arg2), * 除:nCount.div(arg1,arg2), ** 返回值:arg1和arg2计算后的精确结果 **/ var nCount = { add : function(arg1,arg2){ var r1, r2, m, c; try { r1 = arg1.toString().split(".")[1].length; } catch (e) { r1 = 0; } try { r2 = arg2.toString().split(".")[1].length; } catch (e) { r2 = 0; } c = Math.abs(r1 - r2); m = Math.pow(10, Math.max(r1, r2)); if (c > 0) { var cm = Math.pow(10, c); if (r1 > r2) { arg1 = Number(arg1.toString().replace(".", "")); arg2 = Number(arg2.toString().replace(".", "")) * cm; } else { arg1 = Number(arg1.toString().replace(".", "")) * cm; arg2 = Number(arg2.toString().replace(".", "")); } } else { arg1 = Number(arg1.toString().replace(".", "")); arg2 = Number(arg2.toString().replace(".", "")); } return (arg1 + arg2) / m; }, sub : function(arg1, arg2){ var r1, r2, m, n; try { r1 = arg1.toString().split(".")[1].length; } catch (e) { r1 = 0; } try { r2 = arg2.toString().split(".")[1].length; } catch (e) { r2 = 0; } m = Math.pow(10, Math.max(r1, r2)); //last modify by deeka //动态控制精度长度 n = (r1 >= r2) ? r1 : r2; return ((arg1 * m - arg2 * m) / m).toFixed(n); }, mul : function(arg1, arg2){ var m = 0, s1 = arg1.toString(), s2 = arg2.toString(); try { m += s1.split(".")[1].length; } catch (e) { } try { m += s2.split(".")[1].length; } catch (e) { } return Number(s1.replace(".", "")) * Number(s2.replace(".", "")) / Math.pow(10, m); }, div : function(arg1, arg2){ var t1 = 0, t2 = 0, r1, r2; try { t1 = arg1.toString().split(".")[1].length; } catch (e) { } try { t2 = arg2.toString().split(".")[1].length; } catch (e) { } with (Math) { r1 = Number(arg1.toString().replace(".", "")); r2 = Number(arg2.toString().replace(".", "")); return (r1 / r2) * pow(10, t2 - t1); } } }; //获取主域 var Domain=document.domain; Domain=trim(Domain); Domain=Domain.toLowerCase(); var tmp_arr=Domain.match(/[\w][\w-]*\.(?:com\.cn|net\.cn|org\.cn|com|cn|co|net|org|gov|cc|biz|info|hn|xyz|hk|us|mobi|wang|me|so|top|win|vip|ltd|red|ru)(\/|$)/); Domain=tmp_arr[0]; var tmp_url = location.href; if(tmp_url.indexOf("baike_add")==-1 && tmp_url.indexOf("bbs_add_book")==-1 && tmp_url.indexOf("bbs_thread")==-1 && tmp_url.indexOf("baike_edit")==-1 && tmp_url.indexOf("bbs_edit_book")==-1 && tmp_url.indexOf("/baike_")==-1 && tmp_url.indexOf("/thread_")==-1 && tmp_url.indexOf("/forum_")==-1 && tmp_url.indexOf("/dom/denglu.php")==-1 && tmp_url.indexOf("/dom/form_iframe.php")==-1 && tmp_url.indexOf("/zd_")==-1 && tmp_url.indexOf("/dom/zhidao")==-1){ document.domain =Domain; 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' class="cur"' : ''; if (rebate_type ==1) { tmp_rebate_price = item['rebate_price']; tmp_show = 1; }else{ tmp_rebate_price = parseFloat(item['rebate']) /10; tmp_rebate_price = (tmp_rebate_price * data.price).toFixed(2); if (item['rebate'] > 0.00 && item['rebate'] <10.00){ tmp_show = 1; }else{ tmp_show = 0; } } if (tmp_show == 1){ tbStr +=''+item['grade_name']+'¥'+tmp_rebate_price+''; } }) var tmp_str = ''; if (rebate_type == 1){ tmp_str = ''; }else{ tmp_str = cur_rebate['rebateNum']+'折'; } var curRebateInfo = '¥'+cur_rebate['rebatePrice']+''+cur_rebate['level_name']+'专享 '+tmp_str+''; $('#userPro tbody').html(tbStr); $('.new_em').html(curRebateInfo); } if (price <= 0) { show_parice = '暂无价格'; $("#jifen").hide(); } else { show_parice = '¥'+ price +''; if(G_.sendjifen>=0){ if(G_.sendjifen>0){ $("#jifenNum").html(G_.sendjifen); $("#jifen").show(); } }else{ if (G_.jifen) { var jifen = 0; if (price >= G_.jifen) { jifen = parseInt(actPrice / G_.jifen); $("#jifenNum").html(jifen); $("#jifen").show(); } else { $("#jifen").hide(); } } } } $("#shop_price").html(show_parice); $("#pro_stock").html(shopStock); $("#Real_stock").val(num); $("#Real_price").val(actPrice); if(weight){ $("#weight").show(); $("#pro_weight").html(weight+'克'); }else{ $("#weight").hide(); } $("#Real_weight").val(weight); $(".param_id").val(param_id); if (num == 0) { $(".reduce").attr("data-noclick", 1); $("#pro_num").attr("disabled", "disabled"); $("#pro_total").html(""); if ($("#inner_nowBuy").length > 0 || $("#inner_addCat").length > 0) { $("#inner_nowBuy, #inner_addCat").addClass("but-desabled").attr("data-noclick", 1); } $("#max_mony").hide().siblings('.show-coll-pro').addClass('show-coll-pro-nobuy'); alert("尊敬的贵客,该产品已售罄!"); return false; } else if (price <= 0) { $(".reduce").attr("data-noclick", 1); $("#pro_num").attr("disabled", "disabled"); $("#pro_total").html(""); if ($("#inner_nowBuy").length > 0 || $("#inner_addCat").length > 0) { $("#inner_nowBuy, #inner_addCat").addClass("but-desabled").attr("data-noclick", 1); } $("#max_mony").hide().siblings('.show-coll-pro').addClass('show-coll-pro-nobuy'); var Minimum_ord = parseInt($('#Minimum_ord').val()); if(Minimum_ord > num){ alert("供货不足!"); return false; } } else { var Minimum_ord = parseInt($('#Minimum_ord').val()); if(Minimum_ord > num){ $(".reduce").attr("data-noclick", 1); $("#pro_num").attr("disabled", "disabled"); $("#pro_total").html(""); if ($("#inner_nowBuy").length > 0 || $("#inner_addCat").length > 0) { $("#inner_nowBuy, #inner_addCat").addClass("but-desabled").attr("data-noclick", 1); } $("#max_mony").hide().siblings('.show-coll-pro').addClass('show-coll-pro-nobuy'); alert("供货不足!"); return false; } else { $(".reduce").removeAttr("data-noclick"); $("#pro_num").removeAttr("disabled"); var total_price = actPrice*shop_num; $("#pro_total").html("共计:¥"+total_price); //获取选中推荐产品的价格 $("input:checkbox[name='check_ids[]']:checked").each(function(){ var pid = $(this).val(); var check_price = parseFloat($('#shop_price_'+pid).html().slice(1)); total_price = nCount.add(total_price ,check_price); }); $("#commend_price").html('¥'+ total_price); if ($("#inner_nowBuy").length > 0 || $("#inner_addCat").length > 0) { $("#inner_nowBuy, #inner_addCat").removeClass("but-desabled").attr("data-noclick", 0); } $("#max_mony").show().siblings('.show-coll-pro').removeClass('show-coll-pro-nobuy'); } } }, 'json' ); $(".reduce").attr("data-noclick", 1); $("#pro_num").attr("disabled", "disabled"); $("#pro_total").html(""); if ($("#inner_nowBuy").length > 0 || $("#inner_addCat").length > 0) { $("#inner_nowBuy,#inner_addCat").addClass("but-desabled").attr("data-noclick", 1); } } /* * arithmetic = add 购买数量加1 * arithmetic = reduce 购买数量减1 */ function add_reduce_num3(arithmetic){ if($(".reduce").attr('data-noclick')==1 || !id){ return false; } var Is_suppliers =$('#Is_suppliers').val(); var shop_num = $('#pro_num').val(); var Real_stock =$('#Real_stock').val(); var Minimum_ord =$('#Minimum_ord').val(); var tmp_num; var tmp_num2; //var price =$('#shop_price span').html();alert(price); //var shop_price = Number(price.substring(1));alert(shop_price); var shop_price = $('#Real_price').val(); Is_suppliers >0 ? tmp_num=parseInt(Real_stock) : tmp_num=99999; Minimum_ord >0 ? tmp_num2=parseInt(Minimum_ord) : tmp_num2=1; if(tmp_num 0){ var restrict_num = parseInt($('#restrict_num').html()); //获取限购数量 if(restrict_num < tmp_num){ tmp_num = restrict_num; } } if(arithmetic == 'reduce'){ if(shop_num > tmp_num2 && shop_num <= tmp_num){ reality_num = Number(shop_num) - 1; }else{ alert("购买数量不能小于"+tmp_num2+"或者大于"+tmp_num); return false; } }else if(arithmetic == 'add'){ if(shop_num >= tmp_num2 && shop_num < tmp_num){ reality_num = Number(shop_num) + 1; }else{ alert("购买数量不能小于"+tmp_num2+"或者大于"+tmp_num); return false; } } $('#pro_num').val(reality_num); //推荐购买 var allMoney = nCount.mul(Number(shop_price), Number(reality_num)); var obj = $("input:checkbox[name='check_ids[]']:checked"); var n=0; $.each(obj,function(i,item){ var num = parseInt($(item).parent().find(".newPrice em").html().slice(1)); n+=num; }); n+=allMoney; $("#commend_price").html('¥'+n); $('#pro_total').html("共计:¥"+ nCount.mul(shop_price,reality_num) ); } function keyboard_num(){ /* 商品数量判断*/ var reality_num = $('#pro_num').val(); var is_number_var = /^[0-9]+.?[0-9]*$/; var is_number_zheng = /^[1-9]+[0-9]*]*$/; var Minimum_ord =$('#Minimum_ord').val(); var Real_stock =$('#Real_stock').val(); var Is_suppliers =$('#Is_suppliers').val(); var tmp_num2; var tmp_num; var price =$('#shop_price span').html(); var shop_price = Number(price.substring(1)); Is_suppliers >0 ? tmp_num=parseInt(Real_stock) : tmp_num=99999; Minimum_ord >0 ? tmp_num2=parseInt(Minimum_ord) : tmp_num2=1; if($("#restrict_num").length > 0){ var restrict_num = parseInt($('#restrict_num').html()); //获取限购数量 if(restrict_num < tmp_num){ tmp_num = restrict_num; } } if(!is_number_var.test(reality_num) || !is_number_zheng.test(reality_num) || reality_num > tmp_num || reality_num'; if(pass_tag==1){$('body').append(float_div_s);}else{$('body').append(float_div_s);$('#down_form').hide().submit();remove_div();} } function check_doc_pass(){ var pass_word=$("#pass_word").val(); if(pass_word==""){ alert("请填写口令!"); return false; }else{ $('#down_form').submit(); remove_div(); } } //用户登录处理 $(function(){ var zz_userid=readCookie('zz_userid'); if(!zz_userid || !user_name){ }else{ var time =UTCTimeDemo(); $.post("/ajax_get_user_info.php", {type:"1",u:time,username:user_name,zz_userid:zz_userid}, function(data){ $(".top-login").html(data); } ); } }); //用户登录处理 $(function(){ var zz_userid=readCookie('zz_userid'); if(!zz_userid || !user_name){ }else{ var time =UTCTimeDemo(); $.post("/ajax_get_user_info.php", {type:"1",u:time,username:user_name,zz_userid:zz_userid}, function(data){ $(".top-login").html(data); }); } }) // 将实体转换为字符 function decodeHtmlEntity(str) { return str.replace(/&#(\d+);/g, function(match, dec) { return String.fromCharCode(dec); }); }; /** * 生成sn标识 * @param {[type]} val [description] * @param {[type]} ids [description] * @return {[type]} [description] * * 2016/3/313 aliang add */ function encoderSn(val, ids) { if (!val || !ids) { return false; } var sn = val +'|'+ ids; sn = Base64.encode(sn); return sn.replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_'); } /*****************************关于绑定滑轮滚动时间的方法函数*****************************/ (function (factory) { if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define(['jquery'], factory); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { // Node/CommonJS style for Browserify module.exports = factory; } else { // Browser globals factory(jQuery); } } (function ($) { var toFix = ['wheel', 'mousewheel', 'DOMMouseScroll', 'MozMousePixelScroll'], toBind = ( 'onwheel' in document || document.documentMode >= 9 ) ? ['wheel'] : ['mousewheel', 'DomMouseScroll', 'MozMousePixelScroll'], slice = Array.prototype.slice, nullLowestDeltaTimeout, lowestDelta; if ( $.event.fixHooks ) { for ( var i = toFix.length; i; ) { $.event.fixHooks[ toFix[--i] ] = $.event.mouseHooks; } } var special = $.event.special.mousewheel = { version: '3.1.9', setup: function() { if ( this.addEventListener ) { for ( var i = toBind.length; i; ) { this.addEventListener( toBind[--i], handler, false ); } } else { this.onmousewheel = handler; } // Store the line height and page height for this particular element $.data(this, 'mousewheel-line-height', special.getLineHeight(this)); $.data(this, 'mousewheel-page-height', special.getPageHeight(this)); }, teardown: function() { if ( this.removeEventListener ) { for ( var i = toBind.length; i; ) { this.removeEventListener( toBind[--i], handler, false ); } } else { this.onmousewheel = null; } }, getLineHeight: function(elem) { return parseInt($(elem)['offsetParent' in $.fn ? 'offsetParent' : 'parent']().css('fontSize'), 10); }, getPageHeight: function(elem) { return $(elem).height(); }, settings: { adjustOldDeltas: true } }; $.fn.extend({ mousewheel: function(fn) { return fn ? this.bind('mousewheel', fn) : this.trigger('mousewheel'); }, unmousewheel: function(fn) { return this.unbind('mousewheel', fn); } }); function handler(event) { var orgEvent = event || window.event, args = slice.call(arguments, 1), delta = 0, deltaX = 0, deltaY = 0, absDelta = 0; event = $.event.fix(orgEvent); event.type = 'mousewheel'; // Old school scrollwheel delta if ( 'detail' in orgEvent ) { deltaY = orgEvent.detail * -1; } if ( 'wheelDelta' in orgEvent ) { deltaY = orgEvent.wheelDelta; } if ( 'wheelDeltaY' in orgEvent ) { deltaY = orgEvent.wheelDeltaY; } if ( 'wheelDeltaX' in orgEvent ) { deltaX = orgEvent.wheelDeltaX * -1; } // Firefox < 17 horizontal scrolling related to DOMMouseScroll event if ( 'axis' in orgEvent && orgEvent.axis === orgEvent.HORIZONTAL_AXIS ) { deltaX = deltaY * -1; deltaY = 0; } // Set delta to be deltaY or deltaX if deltaY is 0 for backwards compatabilitiy delta = deltaY === 0 ? deltaX : deltaY; // New school wheel delta (wheel event) if ( 'deltaY' in orgEvent ) { deltaY = orgEvent.deltaY * -1; delta = deltaY; } if ( 'deltaX' in orgEvent ) { deltaX = orgEvent.deltaX; if ( deltaY === 0 ) { delta = deltaX * -1; } } // No change actually happened, no reason to go any further if ( deltaY === 0 && deltaX === 0 ) { return; } // Need to convert lines and pages to pixels if we aren't already in pixels // There are three delta modes: // * deltaMode 0 is by pixels, nothing to do // * deltaMode 1 is by lines // * deltaMode 2 is by pages if ( orgEvent.deltaMode === 1 ) { var lineHeight = $.data(this, 'mousewheel-line-height'); delta *= lineHeight; deltaY *= lineHeight; deltaX *= lineHeight; } else if ( orgEvent.deltaMode === 2 ) { var pageHeight = $.data(this, 'mousewheel-page-height'); delta *= pageHeight; deltaY *= pageHeight; deltaX *= pageHeight; } // Store lowest absolute delta to normalize the delta values absDelta = Math.max( Math.abs(deltaY), Math.abs(deltaX) ); if ( !lowestDelta || absDelta < lowestDelta ) { lowestDelta = absDelta; // Adjust older deltas if necessary if ( shouldAdjustOldDeltas(orgEvent, absDelta) ) { lowestDelta /= 40; } } // Adjust older deltas if necessary if ( shouldAdjustOldDeltas(orgEvent, absDelta) ) { // Divide all the things by 40! delta /= 40; deltaX /= 40; deltaY /= 40; } // Get a whole, normalized value for the deltas delta = Math[ delta >= 1 ? 'floor' : 'ceil' ](delta / lowestDelta); deltaX = Math[ deltaX >= 1 ? 'floor' : 'ceil' ](deltaX / lowestDelta); deltaY = Math[ deltaY >= 1 ? 'floor' : 'ceil' ](deltaY / lowestDelta); // Add information to the event object event.deltaX = deltaX; event.deltaY = deltaY; event.deltaFactor = lowestDelta; // Go ahead and set deltaMode to 0 since we converted to pixels // Although this is a little odd since we overwrite the deltaX/Y // properties with normalized deltas. event.deltaMode = 0; // Add event and delta to the front of the arguments args.unshift(event, delta, deltaX, deltaY); // Clearout lowestDelta after sometime to better // handle multiple device types that give different // a different lowestDelta // Ex: trackpad = 3 and mouse wheel = 120 if (nullLowestDeltaTimeout) { clearTimeout(nullLowestDeltaTimeout); } nullLowestDeltaTimeout = setTimeout(nullLowestDelta, 200); return ($.event.dispatch || $.event.handle).apply(this, args); } function nullLowestDelta() { lowestDelta = null; } function shouldAdjustOldDeltas(orgEvent, absDelta) { // If this is an older event and the delta is divisable by 120, // then we are assuming that the browser is treating this as an // older mouse wheel event and that we should divide the deltas // by 40 to try and get a more usable deltaFactor. // Side note, this actually impacts the reported scroll distance // in older browsers and can cause scrolling to be slower than native. // Turn this off by setting $.event.special.mousewheel.settings.adjustOldDeltas to false. return special.settings.adjustOldDeltas && orgEvent.type === 'mousewheel' && absDelta % 120 === 0; } })); /*****************************关于自定义滚动条的函数方法**************************/ (function($){ $.fn.extend({ cScroll : function(_j){ return this.each(function(){ var j = { w : 12, tbB : true, fun : function(){} }; j = $.extend(j,_j); var that = this, _this = $(that), Stime, curT = 0, bw = j.tbB ? j.w : 0, maxT = 0, whellPx = 0, Sp = 0, barMH = 0, barH = 0, curP = 1, mouseD = true, thatH = _this.height(), thatCH = _this.children().height(), oj = {}; if(thatH < thatCH){ //判断内容的高度是否大于外边的高度 addScroll(); }else{ if(_this.children(".c-scrollbar").length==1){ //_this.children(".c-scrollbar").remove(); addScroll(); } } function addScroll(){ //添加滚动条 var borderW1 =j.w/2-1; var borderW2 = j.w-4; _this.addClass("c-scroll").css({overflow:"hidden",position:"relative",padding:"0px"}); if(_this.children(".c-scrollbar").length==0){//存在性检测 _this.wrapInner("
"); _this.append('
'); } oj.scrollcon = _this.children(".c-scrollcon"), oj.scrollbar = _this.children(".c-scrollbar"), oj.barButT = oj.scrollbar.children(".barbut-t"), oj.barM = oj.scrollbar.children(".bar-m"), oj.barM_bg = oj.barM.children(".bar-m-bg"), oj.bar = oj.barM.children(".bar"), oj.barButB = oj.scrollbar.children(".barbut-b"); oj.barPageNum = oj.scrollbar.children('.c-pagenumber'); barCount(); _this.on({ mouseenter : function(){ _this.data("chover",1); oj.scrollbar.addClass("c-scrollbar-h"); }, mouseleave : function(){ _this.data("chover",0); !mouseD || oj.scrollbar.removeClass('c-scrollbar-h'); }, mousewheel : function(event, delta, deltaX, deltaY){ if(delta > 0){curT -= whellPx;}else{curT += whellPx;}; setT(); if(delta < 0){ if(curT < maxT){ return false; } }else{ if(curT > 0){ return false; } } } }); oj.scrollbar.on({ mouseenter : function(){ $(this).data("chover",1); $(this).addClass("c-scrollbar-me"); }, mouseleave : function(){ $(this).data("chover",0); !mouseD || $(this).removeClass('c-scrollbar-me'); } }); oj.bar.on({ mouseenter : function(){ $(this).data("chover",1); !mouseD || $(this).addClass("bar-me"); }, mouseleave : function(){ $(this).data("chover",0); !mouseD || $(this).removeClass('bar-me'); }, mousedown : function(e){ mouseD = false; $(this).addClass("bar-md"); var pageY = e.pageY ,t = parseInt($(this).css("top")); $(document).mousemove(function(e2){ curT =t+ e2.pageY - pageY;//pageY浏览器可视区域鼠标位置,screenY屏幕可视区域鼠标位置 setT(); return false; }); $(document).mouseup(function(){ mouseD = true; oj.bar.removeClass('bar-md'); if(_this.data("chover") == 0){ _this.trigger('mouseleave'); } if(oj.scrollbar.data("chover") == 0){ oj.scrollbar.trigger('mouseleave'); } if(oj.bar.data("chover") == 0){ oj.bar.trigger('mouseleave'); } $(document).unbind(); }); return false; } }); oj.barM_bg.on({ mousedown : function(e){ $(this).addClass("bar-m-bg-md"); //var cpx = e.pageY - oj.scrollbar.offset().top - barH/2 - bw; curT = e.pageY - oj.scrollbar.offset().top - barH/2 - bw; asetT(); return false; }, mouseup : function(){ $(this).removeClass('bar-m-bg-md'); } }); oj.barButT.on({ mouseenter : function(){ $(this).addClass("barbut-t-me"); }, mouseleave : function(){ $(this).removeClass('barbut-t-me'); }, mousedown : function(){ $(this).addClass("barbut-t-md"); timeSetT('u'); $(document).mouseup(function(){ oj.barButT.removeClass("barbut-t-md"); $(document).unbind(); clearTimeout(Stime); Sp=0; }); } }); oj.barButB.on({ mouseenter : function(){ $(this).addClass("barbut-b-me"); }, mouseleave : function(){ $(this).removeClass('barbut-b-me'); }, mousedown : function(){ $(this).addClass("barbut-b-md"); timeSetT('d'); $(document).mouseup(function(){ oj.barButT.removeClass("barbut-b-md"); $(document).unbind(); clearTimeout(Stime); Sp=0; }); }, mouseup : function(){ $(this).removeClass('barbut-b-md'); } }); } function timeSetT(d){ //var self=this; if(d == "u"){curT -= whellPx;}else{curT += whellPx;}; setT(); Sp += 2; var t = 500 - Sp*50; if(t<=0){t=0}; Stime = setTimeout(function(){timeSetT(d);},t); } function barCount(){ j.fun.call(that); var cH = oj.scrollcon.height(); oj.scrollbar.height(thatH); if(j.tbB){ barMH = thatH - j.w * 2; }else{ barMH = thatH; oj.barButB.css("display","none"); oj.barButT.css("display","none"); } barH = (thatH / thatCH) * barMH; barH = barH < 20 ? 20 : barH; maxT = barMH - barH; whellPx = barH / 4; oj.barM.height(barMH); oj.barM_bg.height(barMH); oj.bar.height(barH); } function setT(){ j.fun.call(that); if(curT > maxT){curT = maxT;} if(curT < 0){curT = 0;} oj.bar.css({top:curT}); var scT = (curT / maxT) * (thatCH - thatH + (thatH / 10)); oj.scrollcon.css({top:-scT}); } function asetT(){ j.fun.call(that); if(curT > maxT){curT = maxT;} if(curT < 0){curT = 0;} oj.bar.css({top:curT}); var scT = -(curT / maxT) * (thatCH - thatH + (thatH / 40)); oj.scrollcon.animate({top:scT},1000); } }); } }) })(jQuery);