(function(window,$,undefined){ window.popup = { numbers : 0, index : 1000, domName : ['','Alert','Confirm','Prompt','Layer','Iframe','Loading','Taps'] } var Fun = function(j_){ var that = this, jd = { addTarget : $('body'), type : 1, cName : "", shade :{yes : 1, bgColor : '#000000', opacity : 0.5, animate : {type : 1 , target : 0.6}, close : false}, area : {w : 'auto', h : 'auto'}, offset : {fix : 1, t : 'auto',r : 'auto', b : 'auto', l : 'auto'}, zIndex :{yes:0,val:1000}, animate : {type : 1, target : 1}, autoClose : {yes : 0, time : 0}, move : {yes : 1, handle : '.evPopupHead'}, head : {yes : 1, text : '系统提示'}, opBut : {yes : 1, close : 1, min : 0, max : 0}, con : { text : [1,"提示信息"], img : [1,"wran"], src : 'http://www.evyun.cn', html : "
" }, but : { yes : 0, button : {} }, bfun : function(){} }; //判断类型添加默认值 switch(j_.type){ case 1 : jd.but.yes = 1; jd.but.button = { but_1 : {text:"确定" ,fun : function(){}} } break; case 2 : jd.but.yes = 1; jd.but.button = { but_1 : {text:"确定" ,fun : function(){}}, but_2 : {text:"取消" ,fun : function(){}} } break; case 3 : jd.but.yes = 1; jd.but.button = { but_1 : {text:"确定" ,fun : function(){}}, but_2 : {text:"取消" ,fun : function(){}} } break; case 4 : break; case 5 : break; case 6 : jd.head.yes = 0; jd.opBut.yes = 0; jd.con.img[0] = 1; jd.con.img[1] = "loading"; break; case 7 : jd.head.yes = 0; jd.opBut.yes = 0; break; } that.j = $.extend(true,{},jd,j_); popup.numbers++; that.numbers = popup.numbers; if(that.j.zIndex.yes){ that.index = that.j.zIndex.val }else{ that.index = popup.index; } that.createDom(); }; //Fun构造函数原型 Fun.pt = Fun.prototype; //得到窗口的宽高,dom的宽高,elemnet的宽高 Fun.pt.winAttr = function(o){ this.winW = $(window).width(); this.winH = $(window).height(); this.domW = $(document).width(); this.domH = $(document).height(); this.domST = $(document).scrollTop(); this.domSL = $(document).scrollLeft(); this.popupW = o.width(); this.popupH = o.height(); }; //添加dom对象函数 Fun.pt.createDom = function(){ var that = this, j = that.j, evShade = $(''), evPopup = $(''), evRemovePopup = $(''), evHidePopup = $(''), evShowPopup = $(''), evPopupOpbut = $(''), evPopupHead =$(''+ j.con.text[1] +'
'); evPopupCon.append(tops); break; } //添加内容到弹窗中 evPopupBody.find(".evPopupBodyCC").append(evPopupCon); //添加弹窗按钮 if(j.but.yes){ if(j.type == 1 || j.type == 2 || j.type == 3){ var butLength = 0,butWidth = 0,x = "",cName=""; //根据传入的按钮个数循环添加按钮 for(x in j.but.button){ butLength++; cName = j.but.button[x]["cName"] || ""; var popupBut = $(''+ j.but.button[x]['text'] +''); popupBut.data("data-name",x).appendTo(evPopupBut.children(".evPopupBut")); } //给按钮设置宽度 evPopupBut.find(".popupBut").each(function(){ $(this).width(100/butLength+"%"); }); //给按钮绑定事件 evPopupBut.on({ click : function(){ var dataName = $(this).data('data-name'); if(typeof(j.but.button[dataName]['fun'])==='function'){ j.but.button[dataName]['fun'](); } evRemovePopup.trigger("click"); } },".popupBut"); } evPopupBut.appendTo(evPopup); } //判断弹窗标题 j.head.yes ? evPopupHead.prependTo(evPopup) : "";//给弹出层添加标题 evPopup.append(evPopupBody).appendTo(j.addTarget);//把弹出层添加到页面中 that.popupCountWH(evPopup); //调用函数计算弹出层宽高 that.winAttr(evPopup); //检测窗口和dom的宽高。 //遮罩 if(j.shade.yes){ evShade.appendTo(j.addTarget);//判断添加遮罩 that.shadeCountWH(evShade);//设置遮罩的宽高 that.openAnimate(evShade,j.shade.animate);//遮罩动画 //判断是否给遮罩添加点击事件 j.shade.close ? evShade.on("click",function(){ that.closeAnimate(evShade,j.shade.animate); that.closeAnimate(evPopup,j.animate); }) : ""; } that.popupOffset(evPopup); that.openAnimate(evPopup,j.animate); //自动关闭 if(j.autoClose.yes){ setTimeout(function(){ evRemovePopup.trigger("click"); },j.autoClose.time*1000); //that.autoClose(evPopup); } if(j.move.yes){ that.popupMove(evPopup); } }; //弹出层宽高计算 Fun.pt.popupCountWH = function(evPopup){ var that = this, j = that.j, hh = 0, buth = 0, ch = 0, lh= 0, evPopupBodyCC = evPopup.find(".evPopupBodyCC"); if(j.head.yes){ hh = evPopup.find(".evPopupHead").height(); var padT = hh - evPopup.children("div.evPopupBody").children('div.evPopupBodyT').height(); evPopupBodyCC.css({"padding-top":padT+"px"}); ch -=hh; } if(j.but.yes){ buth = evPopup.find(".evPopupButArea").height(); evPopupBodyCC.css({"padding-bottom":buth+"px"}); ch = ch-buth; } if(j.area.w != "auto"){ evPopup.css({"width":j.area.w+"px"}); } if(j.area.h != "auto"){ evPopup.css({"height":j.area.h+"px"}); ch = j.area.h - evPopup.children("div.evPopupBody").children('div.evPopupBodyT').height() - evPopup.children("div.evPopupBody").children('.evPopupBodyB').height()+ch; }else{ ch = evPopup.height()-evPopup.children("div.evPopupBody").children('div.evPopupBodyT').height() - evPopup.children("div.evPopupBody").children('.evPopupBodyB').height()+ch; } evPopupBodyCC.css({"height":ch+"px"}); if(j.type == 5){ if(j.area.w == 'auto' && j.area.h == 'auto'){ var loadingWait = $(''), loadH = evPopupBodyCC.outerHeight(), iframes = evPopupBodyCC.find("iframe"); loadingWait.css({"height":loadH + "px"}).appendTo(evPopupBodyCC); iframes.load(function(){ loadingWait.remove(); iframes[0].contentWindow.iframeNumber = that.numbers; var iw = iframes.contents().width(), ih = iframes.contents().height(); evPopupBodyCC.children("div.evIframeCon").css({"width":iw+"px","height":ih+"px"}); iframes.css({"width":iw+"px","height":ih+"px"}); var iew = evPopup.find(".evPopupBodyC").outerWidth(); evPopup.css({"width":iew+"px"}); that.winAttr(evPopup); that.popupOffset(evPopup); }); }else{ var iw = evPopup.children(".evPopupBody").find("div.evIframeCon").width(), ih = evPopup.children(".evPopupBody").find("div.evIframeCon").height(), loadingWait = $(''), loadH = evPopupBodyCC.outerHeight(), iframes = evPopupBodyCC.find("iframe"); loadingWait.css({"height":loadH + "px","width":"100%"}).appendTo(evPopupBodyCC); iframes.css({"width":iw+"px","height":ih+"px","top":"10px"}); iframes.load(function(){ iframes[0].contentWindow.iframeNumber = that.numbers; loadingWait.remove(); }); } }else{ if ( $.browser.msie){ if( $.browser.version == 7 || $.browser.version == 6){ var iew = evPopup.find(".evPopupBodyC").outerWidth(); evPopup.css({"width":(iew+10)+"px"}); } } } if(j.type == 6){ if(j.area.w == 'auto' && j.area.h == 'auto'){ var img = evPopupBodyCC.find("img"); img.load(function(){ var iw = img.width(), ih = img.width(); evPopupBodyCC.children("div.evLoadingCon").css({"width":iw+"px","height":ih+"px"}); that.winAttr(evPopup); that.popupOffset(evPopup); }) } } }; //遮罩的宽高计算 Fun.pt.shadeCountWH = function(evShade){ var that = this, j = that.j; if(j.offset.fix){ evShade.css({"position":"fixed","left":"0px","top":"0px","width":that.winW+"px","height":that.winH+"pc"}); }else{ evShade.css({"position":"absolute","left":"0px","top":"0px","width":that.winW+"px","height":that.domH+"px"}); } } Fun.pt.popupOffset = function(evPopup){ var that = this, j = that.j, t = 0, l = 0; if(j.offset.fix){ evPopup.css({"position":"fixed"}); if(j.offset.t == "auto"){ t = (that.winH - that.popupH)/2; }else{ t = j.offset.t; } }else{ if(j.offset.t == "auto"){ t = that.domST + (that.winH - that.popupH)/2; }else{ t = that.domST+j.offset.t; } } if(j.offset.l!="auto"){ l = j.offset.l; }else{ l = (that.winW - that.popupW)/2; } if(t<0){t=0;} evPopup.css({"left":l+"px","top":t+"px"}); }; Fun.pt.openAnimate = function(o,an){//打开动画效果 switch (an.type){ case 0 : break; case 1 : o.css({"opacity":0}); o.animate({"opacity":an.target},300); break; case 2 : var objH = o.height(); o.css({"margin-top":-objH+"px","opacity":0}); o.animate({marginTop:0,opacity:1},300); break; case 3 : var objW = o.width(); o.css({"margin-left":objW+"px","opacity":0}); o.animate({marginLeft:0,opacity:1},300); break; case 4 : var objH = o.height(); o.css({"margin-top":objH+"px","opacity":0}); o.animate({marginTop:0,opacity:1},300); break; case 5 : var objW = o.width(); o.css({"margin-left":-objW+"px","opacity":0}); o.animate({marginLeft:0,opacity:1},300); break; } }; Fun.pt.closeAnimate = function(o,an){//关闭动画效果 switch (an.type){ case 0 : o.remove(); break; case 1 : o.animate({"opacity":0},300,function(){ o.remove(); }); break; case 2 : var objH = o.height(); o.animate({marginTop:-objH,opacity:0},300,function(){ o.remove(); }); break; case 3 : var objW = o.width(); o.animate({marginLeft:objW,opacity:0},300,function(){ o.remove(); }); break; case 4 : var objH = o.height(); o.animate({marginTop:objH,opacity:0},300,function(){ o.remove(); }); break; case 5 : var objW = o.width(); o.animate({marginLeft:-objW,opacity:0},300,function(){ o.remove(); }); break; } }; //弹窗拖动事件 Fun.pt.popupMove = function(evPopup){ var that = this, j = that.j; evPopup.find(j.move.handle).on({ mousedown : function(ev){ that.winAttr(evPopup); var ev = ev || window.event, objW = evPopup.width(), objH = evPopup.height(), objL = evPopup.offset().left, objT = evPopup.offset().top, zindex = evPopup.css("z-index")*1+1, startX = ev.pageX, startY = ev.pageY, clickW = startX - objL, clickH = startY - objT, moveX = 0, moveY = 0, endL = 0, endT = 0, movePx = 0, moveObj = $('